What is Antonioli Members?
Antonioli Members is the exclusive loyalty program that rewards your shopping with special offers, private sales, and unique experiences reserved only for members.
How can I join the program?
To become a member of our program, you need to create an account and accept the program’s terms and conditions. You can sign up on our website or in-store.
What are the levels?
The levels are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond.
Please refer to the program’s terms and conditions for more information.
How do I move to the next level?
Upon joining the program, you automatically start at the “Bronze” status. By accumulating points, you can reach higher status levels.
How can I track my level and accumulated points?
You can monitor your member status and points through the Wallet feature on the website.
How long does it take for points to be awarded?
Points are awarded 15 days after the purchase, provided no return is made. Points obtained through program extra gifts or profile completion are awarded instantly.
When do the points expire?
Accumulated points are valid for 12 (twelve) months from the date you reach a level. The expiration date is the last day of the reference month, after which points will no longer be usable. However, you will retain your achieved status and related benefits for the following period.
If you do not make another purchase within the next 12 (twelve) months, you will be removed from the program but can renew your membership starting from the Bronze level.
What are the terms and conditions?
Click here to access the program’s terms and conditions.
Where can I use my discount codes and are them cumulative?
Discount codes can only be used online at Antonioli.eu and are not cumulative, the user can use the most convenient one to complete the purchase.