In 2020, Saint Michael emerged as a collaborative venture between Yuta Hosokawa, the founder of READYMADE, and the multi-visual artist Cali Thornhill DeWitt from Los Angeles. Toget...
In 2020, Saint Michael emerged as a collaborative venture between Yuta Hosokawa, the founder of READYMADE, and the multi-visual artist Cali Thornhill DeWitt from Los Angeles. Together, they embarked on a mission to craft distinctive pieces infused with a nostalgic essence. Their label showcases exclusive designs that blend vintage aesthetics with artistic graphics, creating a truly one-of-a-kind collection.
saint michael
Proveedor:leopard saint mxxxxxx mohair cardiganPrecio habitual € 572Precio habitualPrecio unitario / por€ 1.145Precio de oferta € 572 (50%)L XL -
saint michael
Proveedor:cactus plant collaboration flea market sweatshirtPrecio habitual € 630Precio habitualPrecio unitario / por€ 1.260Precio de oferta € 630 (50%)M L -
saint michael
Proveedor:dnim tears hoodiePrecio habitual € 645Precio habitualPrecio unitario / por€ 1.290Precio de oferta € 645 (50%)L XL -
saint michael
Proveedor:wet lovers t-shirtPrecio habitual € 197Precio habitualPrecio unitario / por€ 395Precio de oferta € 197 (50%)M L XL XXL -
saint michael
Proveedor:love your saint long sleeve t-shirtPrecio habitual € 240Precio habitualPrecio unitario / por€ 480Precio de oferta € 240 (50%)M L XL XXL -
saint michael
Proveedor:cactus plant flea market t-shirtPrecio habitual € 337Precio habitualPrecio unitario / por€ 675Precio de oferta € 337 (50%)M L XL XXL -
saint michael
Proveedor:cactus plant flea market t-shirtPrecio habitual € 337Precio habitualPrecio unitario / por€ 675Precio de oferta € 337 (50%)M L XL XXL -
saint michael
Proveedor:la hoodiePrecio habitual € 1.080Precio habitualPrecio unitario / por€ 0Precio de oferta € 1.080 (%)M L XL