Martine Rose is a London-based designer whose self-titled label has become a cult favorite in menswear design since 2007. Known for her unconventional approach to presenting collec...
Martine Rose is a London-based designer whose self-titled label has become a cult favorite in menswear design since 2007. Known for her unconventional approach to presenting collections, showing outside of the schedule in venues around north London such as rock climbing centres and markets. Growing up sorrounded by a melting pot of subcultures in south London continuously inspires her aesthetic. Her work riffs on emblems of masculinity, understanding the essence of youthful style. always considering shape and proportion and never being afraid to push the boundaries.
martine rose
공급업체:eyewear정가 $5,720정가단가 / 단위$0할인가 $5,720 (%)Duties and taxes includedUNI -
martine rose
공급업체:zebra sos sunglasses정가 $5,720정가단가 / 단위$0할인가 $5,720 (%)Duties and taxes includedUNI