Atlanta-born designer Emily Adams Bode launched her eponymous line, Bode New York, in July 2016, Presenting her first Menswear collection during New York Fashion Week. The designer...
Atlanta-born designer Emily Adams Bode launched her eponymous line, Bode New York, in July 2016, Presenting her first Menswear collection during New York Fashion Week. The designer shows an appreciation for history, having grown up with her mum and antiques-loving aunt. Bode produces one-of-a-kind pieces made from precious fabrics that have been carefully sourced in the USA and around the world. Bode is in fact known for her matelassé garments, which recreate a story thanks to fabrics that evoke memories, such as family heirlooms. Bode’s collection explores the art of remembrance and storytelling, inviting the viewer to participate in the collective nostalgia of memory.